Inspiring performance since 1911. Over one hundred years of music, speech, drama and dance.

Important information for performers

Timing and conduct of events

Every effort has been made to timetable events accurately. All timings given are, however, approximate and you should be ready to perform at least fifteen minutes before the advertised time of the class. Glasgow Music Festival is an annual event in which people of all ages participate. The organisers make no provision for the supervision of children. It is the responsibility of parents / carers to ensure that children and young people under 18, attending the festival in any capacity, are accompanied and supervised by responsible adults at all times. Click here for the full text of the Policy on Festival attendance and safeguarding.  ayoub_675px
Copies for the adjudicator
In Music classes, all performers, other than those taking part in Girls and Boys Vocal Solos (classes 70-80), Piano Solos A – H (classes 88-95) and Violin Solos A – G (classes 120-126), must bring a copy of the music (a score in ensemble classes) for the use of the adjudicator. The copy/score must be given to the steward on the Registration Desk on the day of the performance. In Speech and Drama classes, the same procedure must be followed for copies of all works being performed where the Syllabus specifies the test piece as own choice.

Own choice test pieces

If you are performing an own choice piece, the details of your selection are shown on your Registration Slip. Please check these carefully and advise the Secretary immediately of any changes or corrections. Remember that if you are performing part of a work then the information must include specific details of the movement(s) or extract to be performed. If you change an own choice test piece after the typesetting of the programme has been completed, you may still take part provided the duration of the work you will perform is similar to that detailed on the entry form. Where the piece performed is not as published in the programme, you will receive a full adjudication but no mark will be awarded for the performance.

Official Accompanist

The official accompanist will be available to performers who made the request on the Entry Form. Official accompanists attend only Festival sessions for which their services have been specifically requested. Copies of any own choice music for use by the official accompanist must be submitted by Tuesday 5 November 2024.


Due to the large numbers of choirs performing at the Festival, please take extra care to ensure that you arrive in good time for your event. Where a school or youth choir arrives as a group, it would be helpful if a supervising adult would advise the steward of the number of performers in the group for seating and other arrangements. Wherever possible, choirs should be seated in the hall during the event and will be invited to leave the hall and assemble in the foyer just prior to the start of the performance by the preceding choir. Choirs should return to the hall to hear the remaining performers in the class and the adjudication.   043_600px

Setting up orchestras, bands and ensembles

It is important that groups know their requirements for chairs and stands and how these should be set out. An accurate seating plan showing both chairs and stands must be sent to Louise Biagini at before 14 February 2025. A small team from each band or orchestra should be on hand to set up the platform in good time for the start of a session or immediately after the previous event or performer has finished. Festival stewards will assist with getting the platform ready but they must be directed by a member of the performing group. Please note that main tuning should be done before the group takes the platform.


Marks will be withheld if a performance exceeds the time limit stated in the Syllabus. In addition to making a technical and artistic assessment of the performance, the adjudicator will take account of the participant’s platform manner and general appearance. All performers will receive a Performance Certificate. Performers attaining the first three places in a class will be awarded certificates according to the following scale of marks:

Where a trophy, award or prize is available, it may be awarded provided 85% or more of the possible mark has been gained. In any class, performers may elect to receive adjudication without marks. If this is required, please advise the Secretary in advance.

What to bring and what's provided

Download Glasgow Music Festival Syllabus

Everything you need to know about the festival in one comprehensive, printable document

Download PDF (3Mb)