Inspiring performance since 1911. Over one hundred years of music, speech, drama and dance.

Sponsor a Class

Glasgow Music Festival Association invites support of individuals and groups to help ensure that people of all ages may continue to benefit from the Festival’s unique performance opportunities. Funding the Festival is challenging, and those who sponsor a class will make a valuable and important contribution to this work.

Any class in the Festival – in music, speech & drama and dance – may be sponsored:

Class sponsors may choose to be acknowledged in the Festival Programme or to be anonymous as they prefer. It is anticipated that named sponsors of a class will be included in a list as part of that class’s programme description. The opportunity to sponsor a class exclusively or to sponsor a section or range of classes may also be available. Donations may be made by cheque, internet banking and most major credit and debit cards.

If you would be interested in supporting the Festival in this important way, please click here for more information and to download an application form.

Download Glasgow Music Festival Syllabus

Everything you need to know about the festival in one comprehensive, printable document

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