Inspiring performance since 1911. Over one hundred years of music, speech, drama and dance.

Festival Privacy Notice

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Glasgow Music Festival Association is a Scottish charity, number SC008919. It is an unincorporated association that aims to advance education in performing arts, particularly in the setting of the annual Festival, and to promote interest and participation in performing arts. It is managed by a team of trustees.

The Trustees of Glasgow Music Festival Association (“the Trustees”, “we”, “us”, “our”), acting on behalf of Association Members, process personal data to maintain the function of the Association, and to further its objectives. For all but one of our processes, the pursuit of these legitimate interests provides the lawful basis for our processing of personal data. For one process, consent is the lawful basis and that process is clearly identified below. The Trustees are the data controller.

This notice explains what data we collect and what we do with it. We collect personal data of Association members, donors and benefactors, performers, entry sponsors, volunteers, suppliers and service providers, and others who enter into arrangements with us. We collect only the personal data we require, and take reasonable and appropriate steps to keep it secure and to use it only as described in this privacy notice. Save as may be required by law, we do not share personal data we collect, other than in the limited circumstances which are set out in this notice.

To aid understanding, and to direct a reader to content that may be relevant, we have divided the information into sections on the basis of how people interact with us. Please read relevant sections carefully. The final section provides details of the rights that every person has in respect of our processing of their personal data, and also explains how to contact us. In that section, “you” and “your” refer to people in respect of whom we process personal data.

Association members and donors

We collect names and contact details of Association Members from membership applications completed by them. We use this data to maintain the memberships and to fulfil our obligations to members. If an Association Member is also a Trustee of the Association, we share contact details of Trustees with fellow Trustees for governance purposes. Where a Trustee undertakes a role that requires communication with other parties, the Trustee’s name and relevant contact details may be shared appropriately in order for that communication to take place in the manner intended.

The support of Association members may be acknowledged in a list of members’ names published in Festival programmes. Any member who does not wish their name included in this list must advise the Membership Administrator.

We collect the names and contact details of donors for the purpose of privately acknowledging donations and, in cases where the donor requires it, for providing information and/or submitting an application for a donation. For sponsorships and for certain other types of donations, the name of the donor may be included in published acknowledgements. The consent of the donor will always be obtained before an acknowledgement is published. A donor may withdraw consent at any time by notifying us.

Any bank account or payment card data provided to us in connection with a membership subscription or a donation will be used for the sole purpose of effecting payment(s) of the subscription or donation. This may require communication of the bank account or payment card data and other personal data to the designated bank or to another party authorised to receive such information for this purpose.

Where a member or donor completes a Gift Aid declaration, we will keep a record of the declaration and we may provide personal data to His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs for the purpose of making Gift Aid claims.

At any time, a member may advise the Membership Administrator, Festival Secretary or General Secretary that the membership is to terminate. If a member terminates membership, we will remove their contact details, and any bank details that may have been provided, from our automated and manual filing systems.

Performers and Entry Sponsors

We collect personal data of entry sponsors and/or performers when an entry is submitted, updated or amended. An entry is an application to take part in an event at the Festival. The data we collect from entry sponsors and/or performers is explicitly provided by them. In addition to that data, we keep records of whether or not a performer takes part in the event(s) for which they were entered and, if a performer takes part on a competitive basis, the mark attained for the performance.
We use this data:

  1. to confirm a performer’s eligibility –
    1. to participate in the event to which the entry relates,
    2. to qualify for any available certificate(s), trophy or award(s), and,
    3. where applicable, to participate in related event(s) for which a performer may qualify;
  2. to make and communicate all arrangements necessary for a performer to participate in the event(s) in which they have been entered, and in any further event(s) for which they may become eligible;
  3. to prepare and publish programmes;
  4. for results dissemination, where applicable;
  5. to advise an entry sponsor or performer of a further opportunity to practise and develop performance skills that may become available; and
  6. for stewardship, administrative and management purposes.

We include names of performers, titles of works to be performed and, where applicable, the names of conductors/directors of ensembles in published programmes. We do not include the names of individual participants in ensembles, except where the name of a participant forms part of the name of a performing ensemble. Festival programmes are publicly available in printed and digital formats.

We publish, and share with news media and other interested parties, names of performers gaining certificates, trophies and awards as a result of attainment in an event or group of events. This does not apply where a performer has entered a non-competitive event, or where a performer, or an entry sponsor, has advised the Festival Secretary that a performer is to take part on a non-competitive basis. The names of performers gaining trophies and awards are usually also published in the programme of the next festival. In certain circumstances, performers’ names may be added to historical lists of winners published in programmes. For archive purposes, we maintain historical lists of winners of many trophies and awards.

Occasionally, we may obtain photographs of performers with a view to publishing these. Prior to publication, the relevant entry sponsor(s) and/or performer(s) will be given the opportunity to opt out of having a photograph used in this way. If an entry sponsor or performer opts out we will not retain a copy of the photograph.

We believe that we process personal data only in ways that would reasonably be expected of us and, therefore, that our processing is uncontroversial. Without prejudice to anybody’s rights in law, if there are individual circumstances which mean that any part of our processing might cause difficulty for a performer, that situation should be brought to the Festival Secretary’s attention as soon as possible. We aim to make the Festival’s amateur performance opportunities open to all, and we will always try to accommodate individual circumstances where it is practicable and equitable for us to do so.

With the exception of historical listings of the names of trophy and award winners, we retain entry sponsors’ and performers’ data in our automated and manual filing systems for 3 years.


When someone volunteers to work with us, we collect that person’s name and contact details. We may also collect information about their availability and preferences relating to duties they are prepared to undertake. This information may be given to us by the volunteer or by another person with the volunteer’s agreement. We keep a record of when a person first undertook voluntary work with us and we collect information to assist us to allocate tasks appropriately. We keep records of volunteers in attendance at every session during the Festival and the duty assigned to each volunteer at that session. The volunteer records attendance by signing in.
We use the data:

We do not share contact details of a volunteer except in the following cases where it is necessary for the performance of the duties undertaken by the volunteer. Contact details of volunteers who undertake administrative roles are shared with other volunteers for the purposes of managing and administrating the Association’s activities. Where a volunteer undertakes a role that requires communication with other parties, we will share appropriately the name and relevant contact details of the volunteer in order for that communication to take place in the manner intended. In festival and event programmes, and in other media, we may list the names of volunteers who are Officers of the Association or who have responsibility, individually or collectively, for managing aspects of the Association’s activities.

A person who wishes to cease being a volunteer should advise us accordingly, and their contact details will be removed from our records. An opt out is also provided for this purpose each time a volunteer is notified of volunteering opportunities.

Individuals who provide goods and/or services to us

Where an individual provides services and/or goods to us in return for payment or other consideration, the name and contact details of that individual will be used for making and communicating all arrangements which, in our opinion, are required for the satisfactory provision of the services and/or goods. Any bank account details provided to us by an individual in order to facilitate payment for services and/or goods will be used by us solely for the purpose of effecting payment(s). We may provide the name and contact details of such an individual to another person who has expressed interest in obtaining similar goods or services unless the individual has advised us that the contact details should not be shared in this way.

We hold this data only for as long as arrangements are in place or may be contemplated.

Where we hold personal data of other individuals

Where personal data is provided to us in connection with any arrangement not otherwise covered in this notice, that data will be used only for the purposes of bringing about that arrangement and, where appropriate, for procuring or attempting to procure its recurrence. This also applies to personal data provided to us in connection with a supplier or advertiser.

We hold this data only for as long as arrangements are in place or may be contemplated.

Your rights under data protection law

We recognise and respect that you have a right to request:

You also have a right to object to our processing of your personal data.
You have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office. The Information Commissioner’s Office can be contacted at or by telephone on 0303 123 1113.
The postal address is:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, WILMSLOW, SK9 5AF
If you do have a concern about our processing we would hope that, if appropriate, you would raise it with us in the first instance.
If you wish to contact us about any matter related to this notice, please contact the Festival Secretary, Louise Biagini, or the General Secretary, Laura McEwan. Please see the Contact page for ways to get in touch.

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