Inspiring performance since 1911. Over one hundred years of music, speech, drama and dance.

Public Speaking  –  Classes 363 to 369

Class 363 – Prepared Speech (adult performers)

For performers aged 19 and over. Performers will receive an adjudication but no comparison will be made between performances.
Test Piece: Performers will be invited to deliver a speech on a topic of their own choice – not to exceed 4 minutes.
Entry fee: £23.00

Class 364 – Prepared Speech (16 – 18)

Test Piece: Performers will be invited to deliver a speech on a topic of their own choice – not to exceed 4 minutes.
Entry fee: £14.00

Class 365 – Prepared Speech (14 & 15)

Test Piece: As for class 364 but the speech must not exceed 3 minutes.
Entry fee: £14.00

Class 366 – Prepared Speech (12 & 13)

Test Piece: As for class 364 but the speech must not exceed 3 minutes.
Entry fee: £14.00

Class 367 – Extempore Speaking (adult performers)

For performers aged 19 and over. Performers will receive an adjudication but no comparison will be made between performances.
Test Piece: Performers will be invited to speak on one of a range of topics selected by the adjudicator. Topics will be provided about 10 minutes before the class is due to start to allow performers to think over their subject and to make notes if they wish. Performers may not write out their speech. The speech should be about 4 minutes.
Entry fee: £23.00

Class 368 – Team Debate – Open

For teams of three performers comprising a chairman and two speakers (one to support the motion and one to oppose it). After the speeches for and opposing the motion, the chairman may invite up to two questions from the floor.
Test Piece: Own choice of subject. Each debate must not exceed 15 minutes.
Entry fee: £35.00

Class 369 – Team Debate (15 and under)

As for class 368 but for performers aged 15 and under. No member of the team may take part in class 368.
Test Piece: Own choice of subject. Each debate must not exceed 15 minutes.
Entry fee: £35.00

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