Orchestras and Bands – Classes 227 to 247
Class 227 – Orchestras – Open
Open (see regulation 3) to orchestras (which must include strings) ineligible for classes 231-233. The Dorothy Gunnee Certificate may be awarded.
Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of music which may be arranged to suit the performer’s resources. The piece(s) selected may be of any duration provided that the total playing time does not exceed 15 minutes.
Entry fee: £47.00
Class 228 – Orchestras A
Open (see regulation 3) to orchestras (which must include strings) ineligible for classes 231-233 and not performing in classes 225, 227, 229 and 230.
Test Piece: As for class 227.
Entry fee: £47.00
Class 229 – Orchestras B
Open (see regulation 3) to orchestras (which must include strings) ineligible for classes 231-234 and not performing in classes 225, 227, 228 and 230.
Test Piece: As for class 227, but the total playing time must not exceed 12 minutes.
Entry fee: £42.00
Class 230 – Orchestras (adult performers)
For amateur orchestras (which must include strings) in which the majority of members are aged 19 and over.
Test Piece: As for class 227.
Entry fee: £47.00
Class 231 – School Orchestras A
For orchestras (which must include strings with any combination of woodwind, brass and percussion instruments) from a school (see regulation 9) not performing in classes 222-224. Apart from the conductor, no other adult may participate. The A M Ross Memorial Trophy Certificate may be awarded.
Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of music which may be arranged to suit the performer’s resources. The piece(s) selected may be of any duration provided that the total playing time does not exceed 15 minutes.
Entry fee: £42.00
Class 232 – School Orchestras B
For orchestras (which must include strings with any combination of woodwind, brass and percussion instruments) from a school (see regulation 9) not performing in classes 222-224, 231, 233 and 234. Secondary school orchestras may include pupils from associated primary schools who regularly participate in the ensemble. Apart from the conductor, no other adult may participate.
Test Piece: As for class 231, but the total playing time must not exceed 12 minutes.
Entry fee: £42.00
Class 233 – Primary School Orchestras
For orchestras (which must include strings) from a primary school (see regulation 9) not performing in class 220, 222 and 224. Apart from the conductor, no other adult may participate.
Test Piece: As for class 231, but the total playing time must not exceed 12 minutes.
Entry fee: £42.00
Class 234 – School String Orchestras
For string orchestras from a school (see regulation 9) not performing in classes 222-224, and 233. Apart from the conductor, no other adult may participate.
Test Piece: As for class 231.
Entry fee: £42.00
Class 235 – Concert Bands – Open
Open (see regulation 3) to concert bands ineligible for classes 237 and 238.
Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of music which may be arranged to suit the performer’s resources. The piece(s) selected may be of any duration provided that the total playing time does not exceed 12 minutes.
Entry fee: £47.00
Class 236 – Concert Bands A
Open (see regulation 3) to concert bands ineligible for classes 237 and 238 and not performing in class 235.
Test Piece: As for class 235.
Entry fee: £47.00
Class 237 – School Concert Bands A
For concert bands from a school (see regulation 9) not performing in classes 222-224. The James L McAdam Memorial Trophy Certificate may be awarded. Apart from the conductor, no other adult may participate.
Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of music which may be arranged to suit the performer’s resources. The piece(s) selected may be of any duration provided that the total playing time does not exceed 12 minutes.
Entry fee: £42.00
Class 238 – School Concert Bands B
For concert bands from a school (see regulation 9) not performing in classes 220-224, and 237. Secondary school bands may include pupils from associated primary schools who regularly participate in the ensemble. Apart from the conductor, no other adult may participate.
Test Piece: As for class 237 but the total playing time must not exceed 10 minutes.
Entry fee: £42.00
Class 239 – Primary School Wind Bands
For bands from a primary school (see regulation 9) comprising any combination of woodwind and/or brass instruments, with or without percussion not performing in classes 220-224, 237, 238 and 242. Apart from the conductor, no other adult may participate.
Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of music which may be arranged to suit the performer’s resources. The piece(s) selected may be of any duration provided that the total playing time does not exceed 10 minutes.
Entry fee: £42.00
Class 240 – Brass Bands – Open
Open (see regulation 3) to brass bands ineligible for class 242.
Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of music which may be arranged to suit the performer’s resources. The piece(s) selected may be of any duration provided that the total playing time does not exceed 12 minutes.
Entry fee: £47.00
Class 241 – Brass Bands A
Open (see regulation 3) to brass bands ineligible for class 242 and not performing in class 240.
Test Piece: As for class 240.
Entry fee: £47.00
Class 242 – School Brass Bands
For brass bands from a school (see regulation 9) not performing in classes 222-224. The James L McAdam Memorial Trophy Certificate may be awarded. Apart from the conductor, no other adult may participate.
Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of music which may be arranged to suit the performer’s resources. The piece(s) selected may be of any duration provided that the total playing time does not exceed 12 minutes.
Entry fee: £42.00
Class 243 – Accordion Orchestras – Open
For accordion orchestras (see regulation 3) not performing in classes 222-224.
Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of music which may be arranged to suit the performer’s resources. The piece(s) selected may be of any duration provided that the total playing time does not exceed 12 minutes.
Entry fee: £47.00
Class 244 – Jazz Bands – Open
Open (see regulation 3) to jazz bands ineligible for class 246.
Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of music which must include an element of improvisation and may be arranged to suit the performer’s resources. The piece(s) selected may be of any duration provided that the total playing time does not exceed 12 minutes.
Entry fee: £47.00
Class 245 – Jazz Bands A
Open (see regulation 3) to jazz bands ineligible for class 246 and not performing in class 244.
Test Piece: As for class 244.
Entry fee: £47.00
Class 246 – School Jazz Bands
For jazz bands from a school (see regulation 9) not performing in classes 222-224. Apart from the conductor or leader, no other adult may participate. The James L McAdam Memorial Trophy Certificate may be awarded.
Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of music which must include an element of improvisation and may be arranged to suit the performer’s resources. The piece(s) selected may be of any duration provided that the total playing time does not exceed 12 minutes.
Entry fee: £42.00
Class 247 – Wind Orchestras and Bands
Open (see regulation 3) to bands ineligible for classes 235-242 and 244-246, and not performing in any other class.
Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of music which may be arranged to suit the performer’s resources. The piece(s) selected may be of any duration provided that the total playing time does not exceed 12 minutes.
Entry fee: £47.00