Inspiring performance since 1911. Over one hundred years of music, speech, drama and dance.

Drama  –  Classes 370 to 392

Class 370 – Monologue (adult performers)

For performers aged 19 and over.
Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of a dramatic monologue – not to exceed 6 minutes.
Entry fee: £23.00

Class 371 – Monologue (16 – 18)

Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of a dramatic monologue – not to exceed 6 minutes.
Entry fee: £14.00

Class 372 – Monologue (14 & 15)

Test Piece: As for class 371.
Entry fee: £14.00

Class 373 – Monologue (12 & 13)

Test Piece: As for class 371 but the monologue must not exceed 5 minutes.
Entry fee: £14.00

Class 374 – Monologue (11 and under)

Test Piece: As for class 371 but the monologue must not exceed 5 minutes.
Entry fee: £14.00

Class 375 – Write Your Own Monologue – Open

Test Piece: Performers should submit an original monologue which takes not more than 4 minutes to perform. The manuscript should be submitted to the Secretary attached to the Entry Form. The adjudicator will assess the monologues prior to the Festival. The author or a nominee should perform it at the Festival.
Entry fee: £14.00

Class 376 – Duologue (adult performers)

For performers aged 19 and over. Performers will receive an adjudication but no comparison will be made between performances.
Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of a dramatic duologue – not to exceed 8 minutes. Performers should, if necessary, seek the permission of the copyright holder for public performance. Please consult the Secretary in cases of difficulty.
Entry fee: £28.00

Class 377 – Duologue (16 – 18)

Test Piece: As for class 376.
Entry fee: £23.00

Class 378 – Duologue (14 & 15)

Test Piece: As for class 376.
Entry fee: £23.00

Class 379 – Duologue (12 & 13)

Test Piece: As for class 376 but the duologue must not exceed 6 minutes.
Entry fee: £23.00

Class 380 – Duologue (11 and under)

Test Piece: As for class 376 but the duologue must not exceed 6 minutes.
Entry fee: £23.00

Class 381 – Shakespearean Monologue (16 – 18)

Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of a Shakespearean monologue – not to exceed 6 minutes.
Entry fee: £14.00

Class 382 – Shakespearean Monologue (12 – 15)

Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of a Shakespearean monologue – not to exceed 5 minutes.
Entry fee: £14.00

Class 383 – Shakespearean Duologue – Open

Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) of a Shakespearean duologue – not to exceed 8 minutes.
Entry fee: £28.00

Class 384 – Shakespearean Group Performance (Secondary)

Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) – not to exceed 20 minutes.
Entry fee: £35.00

Class 385 – Television, Film or Radio Script – Open

Test Piece: Own choice of a television, film or radio script for any number of characters – of between 2 and 8 minutes. Performers should, if necessary, seek the permission of the copyright holder for public performance. Please consult the Secretary in cases of difficulty.
Entry fee: £35.00

Class 386 – Playlet – Secondary Schools

For young people aged 18 and under from a secondary school (see regulation 9).
Test Piece: Own choice of a playlet for three or more characters – of not more than 12 minutes. Performers should, if necessary, seek the permission of the copyright holder for public performance. Please consult the Secretary in cases of difficulty. Teachers looking for suitable material might refer to James and the Giant Peach – A Play, or to Witches. Both from Plays for Children (Puffin). Alternatively, a choral dramatisation from any poem (eg – from the start of T S Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral) could be used, or a choral dramatisation of an old ballad (eg – Sir Patrick Spens).
Entry fee: £35.00

Class 387 – Playlet – Primary Schools (P4 – P7)

Test Piece: Own choice of a playlet for three or more characters – of not more than 10 minutes. Performers should, if necessary, seek the permission of the copyright holder for public performance. Please consult the Secretary in cases of difficulty. Teachers looking for suitable material might refer to Fantastic Mr Fox – A Play (Puffin), or to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – A Play (Puffin). Alternatively, a choral dramatisation of any poem may be used.
Entry fee: £35.00

Class 388 – Playlet – Primary Schools (P1 – P3)

Test Piece: Own choice of a playlet for three or more characters – of not more than 8 minutes. Performers should, if necessary, seek the permission of the copyright holder for public performance. Please consult the Secretary in cases of difficulty. Teachers looking for suitable material might refer to BFG Plays for Children (Puffin). Alternatively, a choral dramatisation of any poem or nursery rhyme may be used.
Entry fee: £35.00

Class 389 – Solo Mime (12 and over)

Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) – not to exceed 6 minutes.
Entry fee: £14.00

Class 390 – Solo Mime (11 and under)

Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) – not to exceed 5 minutes.
Entry fee: £14.00

Class 391 – Mime – Prepared Group Performance (Secondary)

Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) – not to exceed 15 minutes.
Entry fee: £35.00

Class 392 – Mime – Prepared Group Performance (Primary)

Test Piece: Own choice (see regulations 19-25) – not to exceed 12 minutes.
Entry fee: £35.00

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