Inspiring performance since 1911. Over one hundred years of music, speech, drama and dance.

Festival 2023 – Syllabus published

The one hundred and eleventh Glasgow Music Festival will run between Saturday 4th and Saturday 18th March 2023.
We are delighted to be able to offer a full range of events and look forward to building on last year’s very successful Festival by welcoming more choirs, bands, orchestras, and dance teams as all return to full strength over the coming months.

There’s lots of information in the Take part pages where you’ll also find entry forms. Browse the Choose your event pages for full details of all events on offer. If you’d like a downloadable version of the Festival Syllabus, there is a download button near the foot of every page.

Not sure what goes here

Download Glasgow Music Festival Syllabus

Everything you need to know about the festival in one comprehensive, printable document

Download PDF (3Mb)